Become a
League Member!
Why become a Member?
Becoming a community league member gives you a voice in your community and the opportunity to connect with neighbors and make new friends.
Additional Benefits:
Free access to all league-run community skating rinks in the city with your skate tags
Community league soccer registration
EFCL promotional discounts
15% off city recreation facility multi-passes or 20% off monthly/annual passes
Vote at your League’s Annual General Meeting and/or run to join the League Board of Directors!
Free access to Commonwealth Recreation Centre on Saturdays from 3-5 pm and Sundays from 1 -3 pm
Free membership at the Edmonton Tool Library. Learn more.
Discounts on facility rentals
Family Members reside in one household and act as a family unit and live within the Parkdale Cromdale boundaries.
Single Memberships are good for any singular adult over the age of 16 years who lives within the Parkdale Cromdale boundaries.
Associate Members typically reside outside of the Parkdale Cromdale community boundaries, and are a non-voting member (any business or institution located within the defined boundaries of the League or non-resident person who wishes to support the Community League).
If the membership fee is a barrier for your household, please email memberships@parkdalecromdale.org to make alternate arrangements.
You can purchase a membership in person at any of our upcoming events!
We have recently switched over to a fully digital membership system, hosted by Communal, in partnership with Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues.
All of our memberships are $5.00 per year. There is an additional $5.00 processing fee associated with the digital platform.
Memberships expire on August 31st of each year, as set out by the EFCL.
The current membership cycle will end on August 31st, 2025.
Free access
To all community skating rinks
Free Use
Of league sponsored Green Shacks (a staffed summer playground offering crafts, games and lots of fun for kids) at Sheila Bowker Park and Sheriff Robertson Park;
Free Tool Rental
At Edmonton Tool Library
You can also participate in league programs, workshops and events:
Such as Youth Playwright Workshops, ukulele, guitar and violin lessons, art classes, tango classes, yoga classes, skating lessons, and cooking classes.
Canning, soap making, candle making, sustainability, and more!
Such as the community safety workshop, garage sales, pub nights, live music and entertainment, free BBQs, family music and pot luck nights, Community League Day, and other seasonal events!