Argentine Tango Lessons
With instructors Aydan and Julia
At Parkdale Cromdale Community League Hall.
Monday 6:45pm - 10pm.
No experience necessary.
Join your neighbours for an introduction to the scintillating world of Argentine Tango. Every Monday, 6:45- 10:00.
Lesson 7 - 8. Aydan Dunnigan-Vickruck and Julia Kopala lead an 8 module program that sculpts basic ergonomic movements into stylish dance moves. Join in any time as each class includes a review.
Dance 8-10. A blend of traditional and modern Tango and dance music. Several expert instructors are on hand throughout the evening to assist.
No previous dance experience or partner is required, just an adventurous spirit. Bring a water bottle and indoor shoes.
Participation is by donation to cover organizational costs. PCCL is generously donating the use of the space in service to the community.
For further information contact Aydan ataydan.tango@gmail.com.
Parkdale Cromdale Community League Hall (11335 85 Street)
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